Directed by Mister DL, the documentary is about the show of Cypress Hill did on The House of Blues in Boston, MA. celebrating their 20 years of Halloween tradition. Mister DL give his words on a Youtube comment 'It was an honor to direct this documentary for Cypress Hill. This wasn’t the 1st time we collaborated and it wont be the last! Shout out the iconic crew and thanks for the opportunity!' - Myster DL.
Directed by Mister DL, the documentary is about the show of Cypress Hill did on The House of Blues in Boston, MA. celebrating their 20 years of Halloween tradition. Mister DL give his words on a Youtube comment 'It was an honor to direct this documentary for Cypress Hill. This wasn’t the 1st time we collaborated and it wont be the last! Shout out the iconic crew and thanks for the opportunity!' - Myster DL.